Botox Treatment For Migraine Availability. Safe And Effective Medication To Relieve Pain?
Thanks for the query
For the treatment of chronic migraine, Botox is effective and promising treatment option and is available in many places in bangalore including our Department of Neurology, CMH Hospital at Indiranagar. You can XXXXXXX me there.
To abort acute attacks, medications like Hifenac P (Aspirin + Paracetamol) is safe and effective option at the onset of headache. Medications like Rizatriptan, Naratriptan and Sumatriptan are safe to abort severe migraine attacks. Zolmitriptan is available as nasal spray and is as effective as the oral medications.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow ups.
Wish you good health.
Dr Shiva Kumar R
Neurologist & Epileptologist