Breastfeeding, Planning To Opt For Diet. Is It Advisable?
My wife and I are planning to do a diet, I have put the link in below. She is currently Breast feeding, our child is 3 months old. I wanted to double check before starting the diet if you think its ok to do this diet and still breast feed. We have read things on the internet that says breast milk could cease and some say that its no issue. She has had no issues in the past with breast milk and we have done the the diet for 5 days previously and no issue with breast milk.
this is the diet,
Please take a look and get back to me.
Thank You for posting the query.
As Mentioned by you, your wife is nursing a 3 month old baby. Going on diet generally does not cease the milk production or secretion, but it definitely affects the quality of the milk. It is not advisable for her to follow a strict weight loss diet at present. Your baby is totally dependent on the mother for his/her nutritional requirements, and any deficiency in the mother’s diet will result in compensated nourishment for the baby.
Your wife may cut down on fats and refined food, and include more of whole cereals, mature pulses and legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables etc. She needs to have a variety of food products every day in each meal. Including protein XXXXXXX foods like low fat milk, fat free cheese, lean meat and egg whites. Taking plenty of fluids like lemon juice, fruit juices, clear soups etc. would help. Restrict the packed and preserved foods and encourage her to take small and frequent meals.
An activity index of 45-60 min every day is to be maintained, with a balanced diet. (Talk to your doctor about the exercises that she can do, if she had a caesarian delivery).
The diet, as mentioned in the link provided by you, may be started by her when the baby is 6 month old and has adapted to weaning foods successfully.
You can continue with the diet as mentioned in the link.
Hope this satisfies your query. All The best.