Bump Appeared On Lip. No Relief By Using Carmex Lip Balm. Tested Negative For Herpes. Prognosis?
Thank you for your query.
There is absolutely no reason to worry.
This is not Herpes at all.
There is no chance of having herpes at the age of 8 that was transmitted at the time of your pregnancy.
The tests have even come out negative.
I could have assured you better if you had sent a photograph of the lesion along with your query.
There is no need to test him again.
If the lesion is itchy it might be an allergic lesion or a mucus cyst.
Ask him not to lick the area.Give him a mild antiallergic syrup/tablet and apply an emollient gel over the lesion.
Consult a dermatologist if the lesion increases.
Kindly do not worry.He will get well soon.
If you have any further queries you are free to consult me.
Hope this answers your query.
Wishing your child a speedy recovery.
Have a nice day.
Again thank you for replying so quick.
Have a great day.
Thank you for your kind words.
I hope your child recovers fast with your tender love and care.
Have a nice day.