Burning Sensation In Whole Body Mostly On Feet & Palms, Pain In Elbow, Knee Joints & Calf Muscles With Hot Feeling In Joints. Thyroid, Hematology, Autoimmune, Glucose All Normal. Low Vitamin D. Taking Calcirol. Diagnosis?
I have been suffering from burning across my whole body from past seven months especially feet and palms. All my medical tests done from manipal and clumax show normal results. except that my D vitamin levels are pretty low 8.3. I have been taking calcirol from past six weeks, but did not find any major change. still the burning continues. When i get excited or feel anxiety. My whole skin feels hot and burning. especially with pain in the elbow and knee joints. this pain is random. it navigates from one joint to the other. Please suggest a proper diagnosis for this condition..?. Currently both my knees pain during stretching, my calf muscle pains and my arms pain with slight feeling of heat in the joint.
I have done tests for thyroid factor, hematology, autoimmune diseases, glucose and throat swab as well. There were no symptoms of any deficiencies or problems. Everything was normal. I have taken the tests yesterday.
Thanks for the query
From the information provided it looks like you are suffering from "Burning hand and feet syndrome". Also it looks like you have migratory polyarthritis. Burning feet syndrome, occurs more frequently in women, and usually manifests itself when a person is between 20 and 40 years old. Persons suffering from psychosomatic disorders sometimes display psychological symptoms along with the burning hands and feet.
Burning feet syndrome can be inherited, or it can be caused by pressure being put on the nerves. Medical diseases like hypothyroidism, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, nutritional diorders and rarely autoimmune diseases which affect the sensory nerves can present with similar fashion. However no known occurrence with Vit D deficiency exists.
So I personally feel a good Neurological evaluation followed by investigations like ENMG may provide clues for the causes. Rarely psychosomatic disorders can present like burning feet syndrome and needs exclusion.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow ups.
Wish you good health.
Dr Shiva Kumar R
Neurologist & Epileptologist