I had lithrscopy on the 4/8/13, i have severe pain, stang between and 8-10,im left flank,from my armpit to the top of my hip,and radites around to my belly button. I didnt have this much pain with the stones, there were 2 in my left kidney , one was 9x12x14,the other one was 1px12x12. I have a pain med and muscle relaxer, but they barely help, i can noot stand up straight or the pain gets worse,ive been unable to get comfortabl in bed,or on the sofa, and have been sleeping in a recliner, its a little better but not much, my dr did call me today and i askd if pain was normal,her assistant told me yes, pain with procedure,kinda like i was beat up or in a fight. Im just wondering with the pain spreading and getting worse should i go to the ER?