Burning When Urinating, No Vaginal Discharge, No Infection. What Is Causing This?
You are describing vaginal discomfort, localized to the area around where you urinate, a negative evaluation for a UTI, and this is exacerbated with wiping.
Obviously there is sensitivity of the vaginal skin, so to speak, around the urethra (where urine comes out). This might be related to an undiagnosed yeast infection (this can be present without a discharge or itching) or related to inflammation of the glands around the vaginal opening - called vulvar vestibulitis.
The treatment usually involves an initial course of topical steroid cream or ointment with the possible addition of yeast medication, and reducing inciting factors, such as foods high in oxalate and certain cleansers. A good place to turn is the website for the "vulvar pain foundation". This will give you some guidance with regard to things you can try on your own. You should find an OB/GYN who is willing to help you until you find a solution.
I hope this helps - Dr. XXXXXXX
Hi and thanks again,
Antifungal cream/suppositories available as Lotrimin / Monistat are available over the counter.
However for better symptom relief you would need antifungal paired with steroid. You will need a prescription from your gynecologist to get the paired steroid products. Therefore I suggest you to visit your doctor's office for a prescription whilst using lotrimin / monistat.
Hope this helps.
Wish you a speedy recovery