Bursitis, Impingement, Bone Spur In Shoulder, Arm Hot To Touch. Should I Be Worried? What Is Causing It?
Your arm is most likely warm due to the fact that there is significant inflammation in the shoulder and upper arm. In the setting of inflammation there can be a tremendous amount of swelling, warmth and sometimes redness and more pain. This should respond to rest, anti-inflammatory medication or steroids.
If the warmth progresses or does not improve within 24 hours you should see a physician for a focused consultation and examination to make sure this is not an infectious bursitis - a rare but possible cause of your symptoms.
Since you are already taking steroids and anti-inflammatory medications I would expect your symptoms to level off and slowly improve. As I mentioned however, you should consider seeing a physician if no noticeable improvement is observed in the next day.
Thanks again for the query. I hope this response serves to be helpful. If I can be of any additional assistance please let me know.
Dr. Galamaga