Cab Verorab Vaccine Cause Fever?
2 doses
Detailed Answer:
current recommendations for rabies post-exposure prophylaxis include the following:
- thorough cleaning of the involved site (immediately) and irrigation with antiviral solution like povidone iodine.
- two doses of the vaccine (1mL) on days 0 and 3.
The immunoglobulin is not necessary to individuals who have completed the 4-doses course previously with any of the following vaccines.
There are three types of vaccines (HDCV, RVA and PCEC). They can be used interchangeably. The dose is the same (1mL). They are given on the deltoid area. HDCV stands for human diploid cell vaccine. RVA stands for rabies vaccine absorbed and PCEC stands for purified chick embryo cell vaccine.
Before initiating post-exposure prophylaxis you should be certain that there was some risk of exposure (a dog attack for example can be considered risky but accidental injuries when playing with the dog are not considered risky). Rabies requires at least one week to cause any symptom and typically presents 1-3 months after exposure. Fever is possible but in many cases local symptoms in the injured area are common and occur early. I can't say whether your case is risky or not as I don't know the details.
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for verorab it's 0,5mL
Detailed Answer:
I was referring to the US, I just realized you're in Pakistan. The dosage for verorab is 0,5mL, so you're rightly given this dosage. Fever may indeed occur due to the vaccine, as with many vaccines.
Regarding the previous vaccination, the answer is the same. Two doses are required for re-exposures.
Kind Regards!
you're welcome
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You're welcome!
Thank you for your kind words; glad to help...
Kind Regards!