Can HIV Be Contracted Through Unprotected Anal Intercourse?

Had Unprotected Homosexual Anal intercourse twice (was receptive partner, penetration lasted less than 10 seconds each time. I was an anal virgin the first time it happened, very painful and decided to stop)
Also Swallowed some semen (no mouth ulcers or cuts to the best of my knowledge)
Same partner on both occasions - unconfirmed HIV Status.
Started developing 3 small bumps on scalp + slight swollen lymph node on neck and back of neck (9 or 23 days post exposure)
HIV 1/2 & P24 Combo test: Non Reactive (19 or 33 days post exposure)
HIV 1 PCR Real Time Qualitative Test: Not Detected (20 days or 34 days post exposure)
HIV 1/2 Serum & Antibodies Test: Negative (29 or 43 days post exposure)
Lymph nodes + Scalp bumps (slightly itchy) appear to be disappearingĀ now (almost 3 weeks after appearing - also been on antibiotics for these from Dermatologist who attributed it to a scalp/dandruff infection). Also note that one swollen lymph node behind ear disappeared before PCR test and one appeared on neck post PCR test (and after taking certain medication for scalp infection). The swollen node is very tiny though
Also: developed whit-ish tongue two days after taking NEW stronger medication when the older one wasn't working in eradicating the bumps on scalp + some alcohol + valium +alprax anti depressant (30 or 44 days post exposure).
Performed tongue scrape test: No Fungal element found.
Tongue appears to be healing less than two days after using mouth paint and stopping scalp medication (Dermatologist attributes it to anxiety and side effect)
Alongside, also experienced slight night sweat on the back of neck while on these drugs.
Some loss of appetite and dry chapped lips which also have been attributed to anxiety
Two physicians have assured me that my chances of contracting HIV are negligible. Please comment if you agree or disagree as I have been quite anxious. Regardless, I plan to get tested at the 3 month mark, but some indication (hopefully positive if warranted) would be helpful.
Thank You
Chances of HIV is almost nil.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for query. I am Dr Bharatesh D Basti answering your query.
Welcome to health care magic. I have gone through the details and can make out your anxiety.
The chances of transmission of HIV by the modes described is very less (low risk).
HIV RNA PCR is very sensitive after 10 days.Duo test is negative after 1 month is also very sensitive.
The chances of HIV tests coming positive later is almost nil.But as mentioned you can better go for tests after 3 months.
The symptoms are not specific to HIV.As mentioned by your doctor it may be dandruff.Oral lesions are not due to fungal infection.
I agree that the chances of HIV is almost nil.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti
Dermatologist and venereolgist

Thank you very much for your reply. I do have some clarifications please:
1. Considering the White Tongue scrape test resulted in no fungal infection, does this mean it is definitely not attributed to HIV? As I've been reading HIV related marks on tongue is thrush/candidiasis/ fungal infection. It has now been over 48 hours since I've had it, and the doctor has said it can take up to 10 days for it to go away.
2. The latest test I had was an HIV 1/2 Antibodies test (29 days/ 43 days post possible exposure). Report is attached. This only gave a negative result and did not include the P24 test (which was done 19 days/ 33 days possible exposure). Are both tests equally sensitive?
3. White tongue + night sweat developed less than 24 hours after taking latest HIV Test. Could I have just missed the mark on HIV being discovered in my blood or would antibodies have shown up in my blood in all likelihood considering the proximity of new symptoms? Or is the non fungal white tongue not even a symptom as addressed in point #1?
4. the PCR test was done approximately 10 days after first symptoms (slightly swollen lymph node on back of neck + behind ear + 3 bumps on scalp). Assuming these are scalp infection and not symptoms, is doing the PCR 19/20 days post exposure a good indicator? The confusion here is, right after I did the PCR test, I went on medicines for the scalp infection and another lymph node on side of my neck swelled. Doctor attributed this to side effect. I have been told that PCR would pick up an infection even if there were no symptoms and more often than not return a false positive due to the high sensitivity.
5. I took the following medicines for two days prior to my latest HIV test (29 days/ 43 days post exposure). SEFDIN/ ITZO-100/ENZOMAC FORTE/ VIZYLAC/MINOZ D. Also had valium + ALPRAX.25 twice +slight alcohol in this period. Could the combination of the above + severe anxiety have caused
the white tongue + localized night sweat?
6. Also, exactly one day after I took the above medicines, I took my latest HIV TEST. Could these have affected the result in anyway?
7. 10 days prior to my latest HIV test and right after my PCR Test, I began taking the following medicines: MINOZ D/ ITASPOR. Again, could these have affected my Latest HIV Test?
8. The lymph node on back of neck and bumps appear to be disappearing now. I don't know if that's on their own or because of medicines. Because the first set of medicines were not having effect after one week, that is why doctor switched me to the new meds mentioned in post#5. But I have stopped taking any medication now since the last two days due to anxiety.
9. Considering my first possible anal counter was very painful, could there have been a tear injury making contraction more high risk? (penetration lasted less than 10 seconds each time, no thrusting even)
10. Or if I contracted through oral semen swallowing, then considering the low risk could it mean that the virus would take longer to be detected even in PCR test or that reasoning is not valid?
11. Assuming the bumps on neck and lymph node are not a scalp infection, then isn't it too much of a coincidence that I have 3 symptoms (white tongue + localized night sweat). And considering the last two symptoms occurred at the same time as my latest hiv test (29 days/43 days post exposure), that it's too early to tell? Or is the white tongue already dismissed as a symtom since it's non fungal? And could the medicines cause a side effect of localized night sweat?
12. If my partner contracted HIV between my first and second encounter from somewhere/someone else, then don't my chances of contracting HIV also go up significantly during the second encounter?
Again, thank you for your diligent followup in advance.
All queries explained
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for follow up query.
1 ,3 & 6. Fungal smears is negative.It is unlikely candidiasis/thrush.Symptoms not HIV related. The symptoms may be due to bad hygiene or due to drug intake.
2.Combo done after 1 months is sensitive. combo test is better sensitive than Antibodies test around 1 month.
4,7.PCR is sensitive after 10 days irrespective of symptoms and the drugs taken does not alter results.
8. It may be due to treatment taken or scalp infection subsiding.
9 anal sex has slightly more risk of transmission than vaginal due to likely injuries.
10.The chances of transmission by Oral sex is almost nil and does not alter the detection by PCR.
11.symptoms are non specific and cannot specifically suggest HIV.
12.Yes.there is possibility of transmission if he is positive during second encounter.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti
Dermatologist and venereolgist

Thank you very much for your replies.
1. I had another HIV 1/2 DOU TEST taken yesterday -NON REACTIVE (result .21) approximately 31 days after possible exposure. This is a slight increase from the last time I took the test 2 weeks prior (.18) approximately 19 days post exposure. Does this in anyway indicate virus is spreading?
Some sites say an HIV DUO TEST at 4weeks+ is over 95% accurate, others say not at all. PLease advise.
2. Considering I took the HIV PCR REAL TIME QUALITATIVE TEST 19 days after exposure (NOT DETECTED), but developed new symptoms 9 days after test (White Tongue- which is non fungal / Localized Sweat on head and neck - not drenching, but enough to wake me up), is it possible that the PCR did not detect the virus? I've been told it's definitely effective at 19 days post exposure, regardless of symptoms. Do you recommend I take the PCR again?
3. I am still experiencing localized night sweat (head and neck) 3 nights in a row. Not soaking, but just enough. Could this be just because of anxiety + alprax / valium? (taken in small quantities). I am experiencing no other symptoms like cold/flu. Slight chills once in a while but it is generally colder where I am presently. And loss of appetite which I'm sure is anxiety. My first symptoms which had me concerned initially (slightly swollen lymph node + 3 bumps on scalp) have almost disappeared over two weeks after appearing.
Thank you very much
Symptoms Unlikely due to HIV.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for follow up query.
Duo test is sensitive after 1 months.Many consider it as conclusive. It would be better to get tested after 3 months to be totally free of anxiety.The titres mentioned does not matter.It does not suggest there are chances of HIV.
There is no need for PCR test again.It is very sensitive after 10 days
Sweating and other symptoms may be due to anxiety.Does not suggest HIV.
Scalpe symptoms are improving is good.
Wish you good health.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti

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