Can HIV Be Transmitted Through Broken Condom?
You are most probably having only myalgia in neck muscle .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query.
I have read your query and understand your concern.
After reading your clinical history it appears that you are most probably having only myalgia in neck muscle . Chance of getting HIV due to slipped off condom is very low , even when sexual worker is positive for HIV .
Early HIV symptoms usually occur within a month or two after infection and are often like a bad case of the flu. In many people, early HIV signs and symptoms include: Fever , Headache , Fatigue ,Swollen lymph glands & Rash .
If I were your treating doctor , I would advice
use tab paracetamol twice daily for myalgia in neck.
Do Blood HIV test after 2 weeks & after 6 month to rule out any HIV exposure. It can take 2 weeks to 6 months for your body to start making HIV antibodies & HIV test to become positive .
You will get relief .
Hope this information helpful to you .If you have any further questions I will be happy to help.