Can Keflex For Chest Infection Help In Treating Ruptured Ovarian Cyst?
1. Could the Keflex have been helping me not get an infection from cyst leaking (even though my gyno said you dont need antibiotics for partially ruptured cysts, they will just resolve over time and pain will dissapate but then I read on internet you can get an infection sometimes from ruptured cyst so was Keflex in a way helping?)
2. If I goto my doctor tomorrow (Saturday 8-9) to do another cbc with diff just to see if being off the Keflex last two days my WBC count or anything has gone up meaning i do have an infection, would I go back on antibiotics and if so could I go back on Keflex or will there be resistance? I was on it for 7 days for chest infection, 500 mg 4x a day.
3. They drew blood from my only good vein in my right arm. How long do you have to wait to draw blood again from same vein? 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours?
Thank you in advance for your help with this.
Detailed answer below
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query.
Let me answer your queries in the order you have asked:
1. Yes, Keflex would act as prophylatic antibiotics as you were taking for chest infection. As partial ruptured ovarian cysts are usually sterile and as advised by your doctor antibiotics are not required.
2. Get your CBC done. The raised levels could be due to inflammation caused by the ruptured cyst or on examination if your doctor feels that there is secondary bacterial infection then your doctor would advise antibiotics according to the culture and senstivity. There shouldn't be any resistance to Keflex as you have taken the full course previously.
3. It depends on the condition of the vein. Usually they will opt for another vein, if not accessible they will go for the same vein if there is no inflammation or clot.
Hope this answers your query. If any further questions, will be happy to help.