Can Mensovit Plus Be Take N Safely For Abortion?
No point in taking Mensovit plus.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
Mensovit Plus will NOT cause an abortion at all.
It is not safe at all to undertake an abortion without seeing a doctor.
In fact you should consult a gynecologist as soon as possible.
Medical abortion is possible in early pregnancy, and I will explain the procedure to you, but it should be done under a doctor's guidance and supervision.
Firstly, the pregnancy should be confirmed by a doctor , preferably with an ultrasound scan.
This has two purposes.
IT dates the pregnancy accurately, because these abortion pills work only within a narrow frame of time.
Secondly, it confirms that the pregnancy is inside the uterus, rarely, there is a condition called ectopic pregnancy ( pregnancy outside the uterus ) which is very dangerous.
AFter confirming the pregnancy, tablets are taken by prescription.
GEnerally 1 tablet of Mifepristone is taken orally, 48 hours later 4 more tablets of Misoprostol are taken orally or inserted vaginally.
Bleeding with cramps starts in a few hours, and lasts heavily for a few days.
Spotting might continue for 15 days or more.
It is compulsory to have a follow up scan after 15 days to establish that the uterus is empty and the abortion is now complete.
Pills are more than 96 % effective in early pregnancy, however rarely there maybe complications such as - heavy bleeding, infection, failure of pills leading to surgical abortion , fainting etc.
Hence it is a must to keep a doctor in the loop throughout.
Please do not do anything rash here.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.