Specific Skills and Interests
Gynaecology: I can confidently perform all emergency and elective gynaecological surgeries, like hysterectomies (abdominal and vaginal, non descent vaginal hysterectomy ), tubal ligation, myomectomy, adnexal mass tumours etc.
I also have experience in diagnostic and operative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, Laparoscopic Fallopian tube ligation, etc.
Obstetrics: I can confidently perform all emergency and elective CS, and also manage complicated cases having PIH, gestational DM, precious pregnancy, previous CS, instrument-assisted normal deliveries, etc.
I am also proficient in medical management of antenatal and post-natal medical problems, and experienced in handling complicated, referred and morbid patients.
And laparoscopy: This is a specialized field and I have deep interest in working in this area. I have hands on experience in various ART treatments such as IUI, IVF, ICSI etc. I have presented papers on ovulation induction and I believe infertility treatment is the future of ObGy practice.
I have researched into the role of hysterolaparoscopy in infertility, and presented a thesis on the same.
Work experience:
Organization Designation Duration
Independent private sector Consultant Clinician and surgeon, IVF practitioner July 2011- Present
CSMMU, Lucknow Senior Resident January 2010- June 2011
Sahara Hospitals, Lucknow Senior Resident August 2009- December 2009
Babu Jagjivan Ram Municipal Hospital, Govt. Of NCT, Delhi Senior Resident April 2009- June 2009
St. Stephens Hospital, Delhi Senior Resident October 2008- March 2009
BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad Senior Resident May 2008- September 2008