Can Omega-3 Supplements Reduce Epileptic Seizures?
I would like to Consult you after reviewing my father History if there are any Evidence based recommendation to use Omega 3 as supplement tablets safely for his Actual State with epilepsy and co morbid illness to improve his Neurological function .
I will be very glad if you inform me your advises or prescription that can promote his neurological function ?
are there any beneficial role (evidence based recommendation) to continuing use the Neurobion tabs with his such illnesses ( Diabetes + Epilepsy ) that can improve the prognosis or reduce the risk of future Complications?
if you have other prescription of recommended vitamins that could be helpful please let me Know .
great thanks
Read below.
Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I appreciate your concern about your father.
Omega 3 has been discussed for some time regarding possible benefits in epilepsy patients. Animal studies were positive. However its benefit in humans has not been proven by studies, there was one positive study a couple of years ago which showed a benefit with the low 1000mg dose, but there have been no other studies to confirm that. So its efficacy remains questionable, but it can be safely tried, it certainly doesn't harm and has other positive effects on the body as well.
As for other measures, if you mean apart from medication there are certain diets like the ketogenic or XXXXXXX one, but they are very difficult to follow and they are reserved for cases which do not respond to therapy. In your father's case though you say it has been well controlled by therapy with Na Valproate, so not really necessary. Actually the dosage of Na Valproate he is under is pretty low, if seizures are not controlled it can go much higher.
There are no other additional supplements for epilepsy.
Neurobion tabs do not play any role in epilepsy. They are safe and may help in protecting peripheral nerves which are commonly damaged by diabetes, so I would continue them, although there aren't any controlled studies to prove that either.
I remain at your disposal for other questions.