Dear Doctor, My son is 12 years old, We were travelling by flight it was long journey of 6 hrs, while landing my son had CONVULSION, and spasm came from his mouth, and immediatly we admitted to an hospital, doc there diagonsed and IDIOPATHIC EPILEPSY , and he was on EPTION, We came back to home and consulted LOCAL Doc, he changed to OXITOL and Fresium.., and he was facing 2-3 times a week an seizure, I will describe what happan : Suddenly BLURR Vision, Stop hearing from ears... and further left had starts shaking and then some times he fall downs.... Here doc. now changed Fresium to LEVIPILL and he said Its OCIPITAL EPILEPSY ........ His EEG in AWAKE AND SLEEP Shows something wrong, and his CT Scan shows VENUS HEMEGONIA ....... PLEASE DO GUIDE ME WHAT TO DO ?????? Do we continu the medicine ? when it will stop and my son will be free from sezuires ? ( I CAN MAIL ALL REPORTS ) Do further investigation is required ????? - Vikrant