Can A Thrush Infection Cause A Missed Period?
Could be mild hormonal imbalance.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
The thrush infection or the medication can generally not cause a delay / change in your periods.
You are having pre menstrual symptoms, so your period is probably on the way.
Conditions such as stress, anxiety, weight changes, unaccustomed exercise, smoking, drinking, travelling, late nights, erratic eating , hormonal pills - all can affect your periods.
Once in a while, you can ignore a late period.
Do you always have regular cycles , is this a one - off occurrence ?
If the irregular / delayed pattern of cycles persist, you should have an internal exam, Pap smear and ultrasound scan plus hormonal levels to rule out polycystic ovaries, fibroids or other conditions.
Right now, mild hormonal disturbance at times can lead to delayed cycles.
If you do not have your period within a week's time, have the evaluation as above, and the OB - GYN can prescribe progesterone tablets to kickstart your cycle.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.
Stress can cause menstrual delay
Detailed Answer:
Emotional stress can cause delayed cycles.
WHen was the last time you had unprotected sex ?
Can have the workup then.
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Well then you can have the workup as outlined, and then take the hormonal tablets to kickstart your menses.
Take care.
Detailed Answer:
Take care.
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