Can Bath Salt Be A Reason Of Having Dilated Pupils And Nervous-type Body Movements?
You should immediately seek medical examination and help. Irrespective of the present signs and symptoms.
There are many signs besides dilated pupils which may be present. The ER team should be able to pick up other abnormal vital signs.
While you do this, try and find answer to some of these questions:
1. Are these genuine bath salts or were they laced with other drugs designed to be snorted for recreational drug abuse?
2. Is this a one off incident or sequential use. Withdrawal can be a major problem with continuous use.
3. How can further use be prevented. Rehabilitation is important.
4. If the ingredients are unknown, is there any left over material for chemical analysis?
In a single ingestion or snorting the symptoms could last a few hours or a day. The effects of serial use could last for days. Certain drugs which may be added intentionally may have severe addictive properties and cause long lasting or permanent damage.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any follow up queries I will be available to answer them.