Can Cow's Milk Be Given To A One Year Old Child?
Thanks & Regards,
Added sugar can be an issue
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking once again on HealthcareMagic. Here are my thoughts on the matter:
* Babies may pass stool after feed due to gastrocolic reflex, but such stools should not be watery, and growth should be adequate. As such, gastrocolic reflex is normal and nothing to be concerned about.
* Please confirm if you are adding sugar to the milk. The whole problem could be associated with that added sugar. Nothing should be added to the baby's milk. It causes increased osmolarity and leads to feed intolerance due to decreased absorption. This may increase the frequency of passing stool.
* If the above measure does not seem to make a difference you can discontinue the cow milk for a week or two and see if that makes a difference in the bowel habits.
* There should be no compromise on the hygiene. Baby should be fed by spoon and not with a bottle. If a bottle is a must, then try to keep 8 to 10 bottles for a day and clean them immediately after feeding. Better to give formula feed, it will be hygienic.
* Monitor the baby's weight every week on the same machine and plot in on an age and sex appropriate growth chart (google out for it). It will help you to track whether the growth is proper.
* Observe whether the child is cranky or crying excessively. If it is so, it could be due to abdominal colics and in such a case it would be advisable to discontinue cow milk. Also observe for fever or reduced activity (lethargy). Unless these are present you need not worry.
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