Can Diet Soda And Starbucks Beverage Have Effect On My Dry Drusen?
I walk 1.5 miles per day. One third of it is up hill. My eye fat deposits are not near the sclera or the choroid.
There are one on each macula and they are not near the optic nerve. They have not yet embedded themselves
into the macula. I stay away from all other junk that I possibly can. It's hard not to eat anything from a box, bottle, bag, package or can.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for the question.
I do not think these liquid beverages would be regarded as dangerous in the setting of what you are dealing with. I would discuss this at length with your personal ophthalmologist however.
What is more important is that you maintain a well-balanced diet and in excellent physical activity regimen with daily exercise and adequate sleep. Also regular checkups with your ophthalmologist is extremely important.
If there is any problem with your blood sugar then it might be necessary for you to limit your consumption of the Starbucks beverage.
Thanks again for sending your question. We are happy to help you with your healthcare concerns. Please let me know if I can be of any additional assistance.
Dr. G