Can Hemodilaysis Remove Nicotine Toxins?
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Nicotine is not removed by hemodilaysis. Even "hemoperfusion" which is routinely done to remove the toxins or excess drug intoxications also would not help.
Even the other form of dilaysis called " peritoneal dialysis" which is probably more physiological also would not remove nicotine much.
In fact, the removal of nictotine doesn't help unless in conditions of acute intoxication.
It is the aftermath of nicotine intake that affects the human body. Nicotine in excess gets accumulated over the "endothelium" which is a fine carpet spread over inside the blood vessels and naturally gets removed later by the body the way it takes care of other toxins.
It is the " free radical injury" that keeps the process perpetuated and goes unabated once established over the blood vessels. All the adverse effects of nicotine are due to the harm it does to endothelium including heart attack, cancer and kidney damage etc.