Can I Stop Using Flotral For BPH Despite Having Rhinitis As A Side Effect?

Dear Sir,
I am 54years old man and suffering from BPH . All test shows O.K. ( PSA—0.86ng/ml , Serum Creatinine –0.7mg/dl ) except enlargement of Prostate i.e. 50x34x37mm, Volume 32 cc and Post void residual urine is 15 cc . In this connection Doctor has advised me to take only FLOTRAL D . I am taking one Tab ( Flotral + Dutasteride) daily this medicine for the last two months but suffering from severe rhinitis ( stuffy nose + Nasal Congestion + Sinus ) due to its side bad effect . I have discussed this problem with Doctor and he has expressed inability to deal with this problem because he says one can not use decongestant with this medicines otherwise good effect of FLOTRAL D will be reduced. As such I have consulted ENT specialist but he also suggested not to take decongestant but advised me to use only Noseclear ( Saline Nasal Spray) Drop. I am using this Drop but this Saline Nasal Spray is also not helping me effectively. Can you suggest any medicine which can solve my Nose problem with out having clash with FLOTRAL D ? OR can I stop using FLORAL due to its side bad effect and can continue only with Dutasteride which actually reduce the size of Prostate and Flotral works to facilitate relax urine path and inresult urine gets out easily with flow more which I have minor low stream urine problem and I can manage without having Flotral. F. Y. I. : My Uroflowmetry test shows followings :-- Voided Volume : 0923 ml / XXXXXXX Flow Rate : 020.0ml/Sec. / Average flow rate : 011.9 ml / Sec. / Flow Time : 077.2 Sec. / Time to XXXXXXX flow : 028.4 Sec. / Voiding Time : 077.2 Sec. / Hesitancy : 00.00 Sec. Please find attached reports for your kind information.
Please advise .
Best Regards,
Discontinue Flotral, continue Dutasteride.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking.
I am Dr. Prakash HM and I will be answering your query.
Based on your query, my opinion is as follows:
1. Rhinitis is a little known side effect of alfuzosin (Flotral) and when it occurs, it is always severe.
2. Nothing is known to help. It causes severe rhinitis by blocking alpha adrenoreceptors present in the nasal mucosa. The blocking of the alpha adrenoreceptors results in an increase in nasal microvascular permeability leading to mucosal congestion. Stopping it would only help.
3. Best would be to discontinue it and continue with Dutasteride. As symptoms are severe, if you were my patient, I would have discontinued Flotral.
4. You can continue with Dutasteride, until urinary symptoms or infections become frequent. After that addition of flotral or surgical line of treatment can be thought of.
Discuss with your doctor before discontinuing.
Hope it helps.
Any further queries, happy to help again.
Take care.
Dr. Prakash HM

Dear Dr. XXXXXXX H M ,
Thanks for your kind reply. Please let me know how many months or years Dutastaride medicine takes to normalize size of BPH and what should be the normal size / Volume of Prostate in my case ? F.Y.I. My enlargement of Prostate i.e. 50x34x37mm, Volume 32 cc .
If I stop taking FLOTRAL can I take other treatment option like Homeopathy or Ayurveda to control bad symtoms of BPH ? Kindly go through the below mentioned XXXXXXX with regards to BPH and let me know your views about these information :--
Vitamin and Mineral Therapy – The ideal vitamin and mineral treatment for prostate problems incorporates herbal medicine. The following regimen may help to control symptoms:
• 400 international units of Vitamin E per day ( EVION )
• 30 milligrams of zinc twice a day
• 1 milligram of copper twice a day
• One tablespoon of flaxseed oil a day(dietary fiber and omega-3 fatty acids )
• 160 milligrams of saw palmetto twice a day
Saw Palmetto (Sabal) (Serenoa repens; XXXXXXX serrulata): Saw palmetto extract is a popular remedy for enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy—BPH), a condition common in men over 50 years of age. This should be used only after proper diagnosis by a physician. Clinical studies indicate that the extract can increase urine flow and reduce frequency of nighttime urination.
Becadexamin :
• Vit B1 5 mg • Vit B2 5 mg • Vit C 75 mg • Vit B12 5 mcg • Vit A 5000 iu • Folic Acid (Vit B9) 1 mg • Vit B6 2 mg • D-Panthenol 5 mg • Vit D3 400 iu • Nicotinamide 45 mg • Zinc Sulphate 50 mg • Copper Sulphate 0.1 mg • Magnesium Oxide 0.15 mg • Potassium Iodide 0.025 mg • Ferrous Fumarate 50 mg • Vit E 14 mg • Calcium Dibasic Phosphate 70 mg • Manganese Sulphate 0.01 mg
Vitamin E is also used for treating diabetes and its complications. It is used for preventing cancer, particularly lung and oral cancer in smokers; colorectal cancer and polyps; and gastric, prostate, and pancreatic cancer.
Bladder cancer. Taking 200 IU of vitamin E by mouth for more than 10 years seems to help prevent death from bladder cancer.
Vitamin A : Uses include preventing and treating cancer, urinary tract infections (UTIs). cystic fibrosis,Etc.
Vitamin ZINC : Some people use zinc for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), male infertility, erectile dysfunction (ED), weak bones (osteoporosis), rheumatoid arthritis, and muscle cramps associated with liver disease.
Ayurveda – The Ayurvedic approach to all disease is to first make certain that you have received an appropriate diagnosis from a medical professional. If the prostate diagnosis is benign the “flowing” approach can be used. Mix the following herbal powders: XXXXXXX Gokshura and Shilajit.
Ashwagandha is used for arthritis, anxiety, trouble sleeping (insomnia), tumors, tuberculosis, asthma, a skin condition marked by white patchiness (leukoderma), bronchitis, backache, fibromyalgia, menstrual problems, hiccups, and chronic liver disease.
www.britishhomeopathic.org ›
The prostate, homeopathy and XXXXXXX serrulata(Saw Palmetto (Sabal))
After making a diagnosis of BPH, I take a full homeopathic history in the usual classical way. My aim is to find a remedy that suits his constitution and prescribe this remedy in a high potency as well as XXXXXXX serrulata in mother tincture. So a typical case may receive Lycopodium 200c three doses in the first 24 hours followed by six drops of XXXXXXX serrulata mother tincture three times a day. Such an approach is consistent with the French homeopathic methodology known as “drainage”. I am a classical homeopath and don’t use this approach routinely at all; in fact XXXXXXX serrulata is one of the few homeopathic remedies I prescribe in this way. XXXXXXX SERRULATA
Saw Palmetto XXXXXXX is homeopathic to irritability of the genito-urinary organs. General and sexual debility. Promotes nutrition and tissue building. Head, stomach, and ovarian symptoms marked. Of unquestioned value in prostatic enlargement, epididymitis, and urinary difficulties. Acts on membrano-prostatic portion of urethra. Iritis, with prostatic trouble. Valuable for undeveloped mammary glands. Fear of going to sleep. Languor, apathy and indifference.
Urinary.--Constant desire to pass water at night. Enuresis; paresis of sphincter vesicæ. Chronic gonorrhœa. Difficult urination. Cystitis with prostatic hypertrophy.
Male.--Prostatic troubles; enlargement; discharge of prostatic fluid. Wasting of testes and loss of sexual power. Coitus painful at the time of emission. Sexual neurotics. Organs feel cold.
The Benefits of Flaxseed
Flaxseed contains all sorts of healthy components, it owes its primary healthy reputation to three of them:
• Omega-3 essential fatty acids, "good" fats that have been shown to have heart-healthy effects. Each tablespoon of ground flaxseed contains about 1.8 grams of plant omega-3s.
• Lignans, which have both plant estrogen and antioxidant qualities. Flaxseed contains 75 to 800 times more lignans than other plant foods.
• Fiber. Flaxseed contains both the soluble and insoluble types.
Some call it one of the most powerful plant foods on the planet. There’s some evidence it may help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. That’s quite a tall order for a tiny seed that’s been around for centuries.
Nasal sprays : Please advise any one of these which do not have bad side effect such as to use permanantly or make parmenant habit.
Various types of nasal spray are available to help relieve the symptoms of non-allergic rhinitis. These include:
• antihistamine nasal sprays – these help to relieve congestion and a runny nose by reducing inflammation
• corticosteroid nasal sprays – like antihistamines, these work by reducing inflammation
• anticholinergic nasal sprays – these reduce the amount of mucus your nose produces, which helps to relieve a runny nose
• decongestant nasal sprays – these relieve congestion by reducing swelling of the blood vessels inside your nose
Awaiting yours response / comments ASAP.
Best Regards,
Duasteride wont reduce size of prostate.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking again.
You seem to have very good information.
1. The normal size of prostate in adults is around 10-15g and ms 40x20x30mm. Any prostate over 30cc is deemed benign prostatic hypertrophy.
2. Duasteride is useful to prevent further enlargement. Once the hypertrophy/ hyperplasia as happened, it cannot be reversed. If it needs to be reduced, surgery is the only option.
3. You can stop flotral. However ayurvedic and homeopathy, if its helping you, you can definitely take.
4. Becadexamin and Vitamin & mineral therapy is good. However, it is not going to reverse the prostate size or affect the urinary symptoms. It helps in improving the body immunity and metabolism, etc. You can take it. Those are good nutritional supplements.
5. Saw Palmetto is still under study. It also has plenty of side effects. It is known to help with urinary symptoms. You can take prescription from your doctor and give a trial run. If it helps and you have minimum side effects, it will be good.
6. Flaxseed certainly have plenty of benefits. Watch out for side effects like bloating, nausea, bleeding problems etc.
7. Except for corticosteroid nasal sprays, you can use any of them. Decongestants should be good. However, do not use any of them as they can cause dry nose. Once you stop flotral, none will be necessary.
8. Avoid taking fluids after six in evening. Daytime, you can take plenty. Sleep well. Avoid straining during urination. Relaxation will help in reducing post void urine volume in bladder.
Hope it helps.
Any further queries, happy to help again.
Dr. Prakash HM

Dear Dr. XXXXXXX H M ,
Thanks for your kind reply and making me clear picture of BPH & role of its medicines . If the size of Prostate needs to be reduced, surgery is the only option. In this connection Doctor has suggested me for VDM ../ CRE + Holep . Can you highlights on this type of Surgery / operation . Please also explain benefit of this surgery and its side / bad effect . I understand that after getting this Surgery the patient has to suffer from followings :--
1. :-- The Prostate stops making semen forever . If by chance it makes the semen either does not withdrawal completely from urine path i.e. from penis or it ( Semen ) falls reverse to bladder . Is it true ?
2.:-- The urine does not pass out through the urine path i.e withdrawal from penis . It passes through from rectum only.
I would highly appreciate if you could kindly tell me the truth .
In my case the Prostate enlarged Size is 50x34x37 mm & volume is 32cc AND PVR -15 cc where as normal size in adult is around 10-15g and ms 40x20x30 mm and volume should be 30cc . At present I do not have much problem but I am having initial stage of BPH. As such do I require surgery at present ? Please advise candidly.
Please advise on these issues also :-
A) When I am urinating some time I notice my urine makes white froth or foam and become bubbly. What is the reason? Please explain and advise treatment. F.Y.I.: I am Diabetic patient also. My sugar level : Before meal:110mg/dL & After meal : 185mg /dL when I do not take medicine. When I take ayurvedic medicine then My sugar level is : Before Meal: 95mg /dL AND After Meal : 120mg /dL .
B) What is the sign of UTI ? How to avoid this ?
Awaiting yours response / comments ASAP.
Best Regards,
Surgery advisable - Diabetes & UTI - high risk
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking again.
Yes, after surgery, few patients develop occasional complications.
Retrograde ejaculation can be seen, where during ejaculation, instead of coming through penis, it goes into bladder. The next time you urinate, its going to come out. There is only one route, if it does not come through penis, it might go back. No infection or any risk.
Your urine will always come through penis, unless you have a fistula. Which is rarely seen even in undeveloped countries due to surgery complications. Not to worry, it wont happen at present with Holep.
Stress incontinence or dripping of urine during cough, sneeze etc. Increased abdominal pressure can cause this. However, pelvic floor muscle exercises can improve symptoms.
Rarely erectile dysfunction - not related to surgery, more psychological cause.
Otherwise, no major side effects. All others are minor and will improve as days progress.
For other queries:
1. Frothy urine is normal. Increased protein can also cause this. Control blood sugar.
2. Signs of urinary tract infection are mainly burning urination, increased frequency, blood in urine, pus in urine, and fever. At present, excess post-void urine can cause this, and surgery would be advisable. In diabetes, urinary tract infection will take longer to treat and can get complicated.
Would not comment about ayurvedic medicine. Sugar control, if its normal, not to worry. Get HbA1C to identify exact control of blood glucose levels for past three months.
With an experienced surgeon, HoLEP yields very good results. I would suggest HoLEP or TURP
Hope it helps.
Any further queries, happy to help again.
Dr. Prakash HM

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