Can I Try Testosterone Supplements To Control Weight?
It seems wellbutrim took me out of the lethargy.
Now i am on 300 + 1/2 of 300 (Broken)
I dont have 150 xl.
I can exercise and my executive functions are back.
Occasionally, the "Black Dark Ghost" seeps in and able to shake it off.
I am a very careful user of Xanax but unfortunately, we cannot get this in doha.
It seems wellbutrim works every time.
I have the strength in hands but nimble movements (finer) shakes my hands (trembling).
It is noticeable.
I think due to anxiety my libido is gone and thats ok.
Can i try a testosterone supplements to control my weight and more physical excericses ?
The good joke "None of my colleagues or even family can detect my illness and interpret in their own perceptions".
Nine of out Ten people say I am normal and looks the same.
Appreciate your concern of asking about my health.
Would not recommend testosterone.
Detailed Answer:
Strangely your question was posted 11 hours ago, but I received no e-mail and sms from the website to inform me of the same! Just logged in by chance and saw your query.
I am glad that the hike in bupropion has worked for you. I expect that the problem with libido will also improve in the next few weeks. Regarding Xanax, all benzodiazepines are highly regulated in almost all countries of the world because of their abuse potential. And therefore many times, people who genuinely need the medicines have to suffer. But I was wondering if alprazolam is just not available in Doha or only the Xanax brand of alprazolam is not available. If other brands are available, then I guess any local physician may prescribe some for you.
That your friends and family cannot detect your illness is something I feel is very good. It indicates that you are coping very well with your illness.
Regarding testosterone supplements, I am not enthusiastic about the idea. Testosterone supplements should not be taken casually by people who do not have a testosterone deficiency. Even in people with documented testosterone deficiency, the decision is not so easy. Increased risk of heart attack and stroke is well-known with testosterone. There is also a risk of developing prostate disease. I would suggest that you look for alternate ways to improve physical strength and lose weight, rather than going for testosterone supplements.
Best wishes.
Dr Preeti Parakh
MD Psychiatry
What is the side effect of Well Butrim hike in reality ?
As for the hand trembling, is it a symptom of any underlying drugs or issues ?
As below.
Detailed Answer:
The common side effects seen with 450 mg dose of bupropion in clinical trials are: Dry mouth, nausea, insomnia, dizziness, pharyngitis, abdominal pain, agitation, anxiety, tremor, palpitation, sweating, tinnitus, myalgia, anorexia, urinary frequency, and rash. These need not necessarily be due to the drug but were seen in people who were on the drug in clinical trials. There is also an increased risk of seizures, mania and psychosis.
Your tremor could be a side effect of the dose hike, particularly if it started after the hike and not before. It can also be due to anxiety. You were using Inderal earlier and I am not sure but probably you mentioned having tremors earlier as well. Inderal should help control the tremors even if they are drug induced. Essential tremors, which are neither drug induced nor due to anxiety, but are idiopathic (with no known cause) are also very common and respond to Inderal. Therefore your tremors could be due to any of the three reasons, but Inderal should help in all.
Best wishes.
Dr Preeti Parakh
MD Psychiatry