Can Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma Spread To The Brain And Turn Into CNS Lymphoma?
Non Hodgkins Lymphoma of Brain
Detailed Answer:
Non Hodgkins lymphoma has very unpredictable nature and can spread to brain as well. Usually it has been observed that before going to brain it can spread elsewhere in other parts of body. N H L can be present as primary lymphoma of brain as well but this is more common in immunocompromised patients like patients suffering from HIV.
You have to rule out other causes of pressure on your head. If you are not hypertensive, your eyesight is normal, you do not have any cervical spine problem and you are not tense about your problem, you are not anemic secondary to the treatment you received for NHL, you should go for MRI of brain to rule out the problem else any one feature as described above if present should be corrected and your problem will wane.
Dr. J. Ticku
Symptoms than the pressure? That's my last questions thank you.
non hodgkins lymphoma.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting. it is all possible what you say. The symptoms of brain metastasisis depend on the portion of the brain involved with metastasis. Multiple small parenchymal metastasis will be symptomless. Larger metastasis give symptoms because of pressure. It may be associated with severe headache, vomiting, blured vision, speech loss, disorientation, convulsions, paralysis depending upun which area of brain is involved. in your case I feel it is tension headache due to causes I described in yesterdays answer. still to be more wiser it is better to clear your doubt by getting one MRI done.
Dr. J. Ticku
Brain metastasis.
Detailed Answer:
Thre is no apprehension of bleed but yes brain herneation does cause pressure symptoms. In your case there is nothing of the sort. Nothing will happen fast. lymphoma is the most chemosensitive disease and after treatment you get a very long remission which we even call cure. causes of pressure on your brain while lying down could be due to many reasons one of which is engourged sinuses and you have even harsh breathing through nostrils
. i again impress upon you if you dont have the symptoms I explained earlier use some over the counter available nasal decongestant and see that you get some relief after lying down.
Dr. Ticku