Can Stent In Ureter Cause WBCs In Urine?
Slight low A/G ratio is mostly due to infection associated with stone .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have stone disease and have put stent in your ureter .
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me in making comments on your problem.
1) What is the location of stone whether in kidney or Ureter ?
2) What is the size of the stone ?
3) What is status of Renal function reflected in blood tests.?
4) Do you urinary symptoms like burning ,frequency etc?
The presence of RBC ,WBC and protein with slightly lower Alb/Globulin ration is mostly due to associated UTI.
Please get your routine urine test and urine culture done to find out the organisms causing this infection and antibiotics to which they are sensitive to.
Please take broad spectrum antibiotics like Cefixime along with urinary antiseptic like Nitrofurantoin twice daily and urine alkaliser thrice daily.Later on switch on to appropriate antibiotics as per culture report.
Get the prescription of medicines from your family Physician.
Ensure to drink more water.To keep your urine dilute.
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
re: funcition: Total protein normal
Creatine .53 Bun 8 GFR 153. It said the wbc and rbc were "too numerous to count" in the urine.
Does this provide you the additional info. needed? Thank you
This is due to Infection
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for feedback.
Your Renal Function status is normal.
The stone of a size of 1.4 cms was fragmented by ESWL and you have passed few fragments .The rest of the fragments need to be fragmented further to powder it so it can pass down with ease.
This is normal protocol and nothing to be worried about it.
The stent that you have will help to dialte the ureter so as to help pain free passage the fragments and will be removed once 100% stone clearance is achieved.
In the mean while continue taking antibiotics.
Thanks and Regards.