Brief Answer:
Trauma is rare cause for branch retinal vein occlu
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health care magic
Iam Dr. Dadapeer K,an Ophthalmologist and I answer health problems related to eye.
I reviewed the history given by you. It seems from the history that he has sustained a injury while driving a heavy duty excavator.He had a corneal abrasion in his right eye and blunt injury to left eye for which he was treated.
retinal vein occlusion is a disease characterized by occlusion of the branch of a retinal vein and the cause is because of compression by a thickened or arteriososclerotic artery.
Rarely trauma can cause branch retinal vein occlusion, however
central retinal vein occlusion is more common following trauma. This can be secondary to compression by retrobulbar hemorrhage occurring as a result of trauma or because of damage to optic nerve.
The common causes for branch retinal vein occlusion are compression by a arteriosclerotic artery and the common predisposing factors are diabetes,
hyperlipidemia, hypertension, bleeding and clotting disorders...
The treatment is by control of the associated predisposing factors and complications which can lead to loss of vision like
macular edema by using intravitreal injections of steroids or by
laser treatment. Later few cases of branch retinal vein occlusiion can lead to development of
secondary glaucoma called as
neovascular glaucoma which causes painful red eye.
Hence I request you to give me details like vision in the affected eye, fundus photograph of the eye if available and treatment he is on, so that I can advice you more accurately.
Thank you