Can Turmeric Intake Cause Atrial Fibrillation?
Turmeric if used together with aspirin will increase chances for bleeding..
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your medical history and understood your concerns.
When my patients decided to go for Turmeric, I want to make sure everything is ok with them. Please bare in mind that if you are taking baby aspirin on daily basis; using turmeric will increase chances for bleeding. Please report this to your physician.
On the other hand, you are saying that your atria. fib. is back. Have you run any holter monitoring to confirm atria.fib?
It is true that turmeric might cause stomach upset or disturbances which will cause on the other hand, heart palpitations. At this point, I want to make sure if you are feeling palpitations or feeling your heart stopping (as in case of fibrillation)? Holter monitoring would determine it better.
Since I quit cold turkey on the pres drugs, I am reluctant to go to Dr. I would like to know ans to question 2. could I go ahead with test on using turmeric for 2-3 wks to see if it will lower my BP w/o pres drugs. My BP now is 139/87 pulse is 79.
Can continue turmeric; monitor bp&heart rhythm
Detailed Answer:
Hi back,
Thank you for providing additional information.
From what you are saying, I can understand that you have quit pres.drugs and are using only turmeric.
So far, your bp is fine. If you are taking only turmeric, then , you can continue taking it and keep monitoring your bp.
What worries me is related to pauses you heard from bp monitor. To my opinion, you should have another holter monitoring now as your last one was 5 years back and to confirm again your heart is in rhythm.
Hope it answered to your queries!