Can Yeast Infection Be Caused By Oral Sex?
Mainly moist surroundings, but yes oral sex can result in a yeast infection
Detailed Answer:
Hello sir and welcome.
Thank you for writing to us.
I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help. Yes, yeast infections are possible after any sexual activity and even a hot sweaty day or due to slight actions of negligence, when the genital region is left damp or moist for a long period of time.
Moist conditions support the thriving of the yeast resulting in the a yeast infection. So in your case, after the oral sex may be you did not wash up early enough or washed up and did not dry your genital region resulting in the growth of yeast in the region.
I hope I have explained clearly enough how not just yeast infections can cause yeast infections, but a moist region or surrounding in the region can result in such a presentation. Please do not hesitate to write back to me for any further clarifications, I am always here to help.
Best wishes.