Cancer Of The Cervix. What Is Prognosis, Forms Of Treatment And Success Rate?
Your question is a very good one and I will work on providing you with some information and recommendations.
The prognosis in the case of cancer of the cervix is highly related to the stage of the disease. in the case of early cervical cancer the rate of cure is very high.
If there is XXXXXXX invasion of the cancer into the cervix or into the uterus more advanced treatment may be recommended. A hysterectomy is sometimes recommended in order to remove all of the cervical tissue. This is a reasonable consideration in more advanced disease.
Again in very early stages a limited surgery may completely cure the patient per
A hysterectomy is not necessarily recommended if the cancer is only superficial. If you have additional details regarding the pathology of your specimen and the exact stage or measurements of the tumor this might be helpful.
It sounds as if you have a very very good prognosis. This is excellent for you. I await any additional details you might provide said that we can possibly further discuss your questions.
Dr. Robert