Cause And Cure For Irregular Periods, Headaches, Back Pain, Abdominal Pain And Weight Gain?
Your age is 42, that means perimenopausal age group. Mean age of menopause in INDIA is around 50 years. The symptoms you describe are of menopause most of them like-irregular periods, tiredness, sleep changes. Weight gain may be due to hormonal changes, back pain is due to calcium deficiency seen in the menopausal age.
I would advice you to go for thyroid function test as abnormal thyroid levels can also lead to irregular periods. Secondly go for X-Ray of L-S spine to see the changes of spondylosis common in the menopausal age which can be a cause of back pain. If the pain in right lower abdomen is slight then nothing to worry as it can be due to minor urinary tract infection, but if it is bothering you get a urine test done and a sonography of pelvis.
XXXXXXX your doctor with the above reports for further advice, if you feel.
Till then I would advice you to start with a calcium tablet daily at night after dinner, more of green vegetables and fruits, increase fluid intake and milk intake, and also a multivitamin tablet. These would help relieve your symptoms if it is due to menopause. You can also try some meditation and yoga techniques which would also help you a lot.
Don't worry, Take care.