Chest Pain, GI Reflux, Discomfort From Sternum From Throat. Would Angioedema Show Up In Endoscopy?
About a couple of years ago I had chest pain - feeling like GI reflux, discomfort from the sternum to my throat. I had an endoscopy and everything was within normal limits. I do have a history of sporadic (absent for several years) angioedema of the face. A physician mentioned I may also have angioedema of the esophagus. The chest pain have appeared again. I am making sure I chew my food completely and eat simple non spicy foods. I had significant and immediate pain when I swallowed a handful of vitamins and supplements the other day.
-wouldn't angioedema show up in the endoscopy if I had symptoms hour before the procedure?
-angioedema of the esophagus similar to GI reflux symptoms?
- any other thoughts or opinions would be appreciated
Thanks for the query
What you are currently suffering from looks like gastro esophageal reflux more so because you are taking aspirin and azithromycin both of which are known to cause this problem. I advice you to do the following
1. Take aspirin after meals and also discuss wit the doctor who has prescribed aspirin if he could change.
2. Continue eating less spicy food
3. Avoid beverages like coffee and tea for a week
4. Antacids like esomeprazole with a prokinetic like mosapride will help relieve your symptoms, please discuss with your doctor for a prescription
5. Stay awake at least for 2 hours after dinner
6. You can skip your vitamin tablets for 3 days as vitamins are also a gastric irritant
Now to answer your questions
Angioedema of the esophagus would have shown on the endoscopy.
Angioedema of the esophagus would have similar symptoms to gastroesophageal reflux but along with this you would have had difficulty in swallowing as well.
I hope I have answered your query, if you have no further queries please accept my answer.
I wish you good health