Chest Pain, Headaches, Blurry Vision. Tests Showed Abnormality In ECG Graph, High BP. Possible Causes?
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Certain changes in resting ECG may be non-specific or normal variants...
If the stress test and ECHO are normal, heart problem is unlikely...
You can go for a CT-Angio (Non-invasive) to convince – both the patient and physician will be relieved!
Blurry vision and headache needs Ophthalmic consultation as soon as possible.
If the problem is after a particular medicine only – it could be a reaction and it may have to be changed...
The fundus of the eye (disc- optic nerve head - must be seen to exclude increase of intra-cranial pressure). He could also exclude local causes like glaucoma...
MRI and/or MRA (can be done at the same time) may at times be necessary
Blood sugar, electrolytes need to be checked...
Discuss with your doctor...
Take care
Wishing speedy recovery
God bless
Good luck
It is a common belief that ‘BP’ causes headache... It is not common!
If headache is caused by BP, it is generally due to a complication and is an indication for further investigation.. Of course, a person with BP can also have any other cause of headache, like the rest of the population...
The first thing is to exclude Papilloedema (swelling of the optic nerve head).
Any physician can do; but an eye specialist is better – because he could also evaluate other causes for blurring, if any...
All the best