Chest Pain, Indigestion, Discomfort When Eating, Sternum Pain, Mammogram Showed Non-cancerous Abnormality. Esophageal Cancer?
I was bulimic for 20 years...recovered completely the last 14 years....I do feel discomfort in the esophaugal area..feeling like food is going dr. now has referred me to a gastrointestinal dr. The discomfort and pain is constant...I have lost 6 pounds from the change in bowels are regular..I do have history of drinking 2-3 beers a night..and I have taken too much ibuprofen in the last blood tests come back ok for liver..etc . Does this sound like esophaugal cancer..I am concerned..also concerned about auto-immune disorder..have been sick alot this y..ear...I do have afunny discomfort feeling on the right side of my throat past the tongue...can still swallow ok but can feel something there...cant breath deeply....pain and pressure in right lung quickly does escophaughal cancer progress? I will be schelduled for and endoscopy.
Thanks for posting your query
I can understand your concern, you have had a good number of symptoms that would put any patient on stress but fortunately enough they do not appear to be serious enough
My first word is a word of reassurance
Most of your symptoms do point out to Acid Peptic Disease and may be gastro esophageal reflux
Because you have been on alcohol[Beer] and lot of Ibuprofen as you said - Both lead to gastritis and hyperacidity and the stress that keeps on multiplying
Prevacid is a good molecule but I would suggest adding a Tab of Domperidone along with and take it twice a day before meals [Both Prevacid and Domperidone] for atleast three weeks and then shift to once a day
I would also recommend you go for an abdominal ultasound to rule out Gall bladder disease along with an endoscopy to rule out GERD
In the mean time follow these tips they will help relieve symptoms :
Avoid spicy, fermented and fried meals,
Avoid aerated drinks
Avoid smoking or tobacco in any form
Avoid alcohol
Take lot of fluids daily
Exercise atleast five days a week
Take small frequent meals
If obese reduce weight
Manage your stress levels [As you have mentioned your were bulimic - this is a stress related disorder of eating]
Regarding Oesophageal cancer the symptoms of dysphagia is not there, yet your endoscopy will rule out the possibility
The progress varies with the types of cancer and can be justified only after we have a gross diagnosis of the cancer
Hope this help
Am available for followup queries
Wishing you a seedy recovery