Child Eats Until She Vomits. Could It Be Juvenile Diabetes?
hi and thanks for the question. The classical symptoms of diabetes are eating a lot, urinating a lot and drinking a lot of water. Others might include weight loss or recurrent infections. It would be interesting to know whether she has any of these symptoms.
Doing a fasting blood sugar or testing for urine ketones and sugar shall be a good idea to screen for child hood diabetes or juvenile diabetes. However, other diseases could also cause her to do eat so much, like hyperthyroidism in some rare cases or even too many intestinal worms, which ,might either cause a loss of appetite or over feeding.
First, take her to your family physician for diabetes to be excluded for it is the most common possibility. If its not the case, a physical examination coupled with other tests could be useful to exclude other causes.
Thanks and I hope this helps,
Best Regards
Luchuo, MD.
as I said earlier, worms could cause intestinal disorders as described and nausea. Diabetes is also a possibility.
Screening for both diabetes and intestinal worms, through a stool examination is advisable. Its a possibility she could have these worms. And its also important excluding diabetes. I suggest you visit the primary care physician to have these tests run,
Best regards and have a nice day.
Hope this helps,
Luchuo, MD.