Child Had Blood Test Done Which Showed High Ferritin Level And Low Platelet Count. Meaning?
Thanks for your query.
Increased levels of Ferritin can be seen in:
1. Acute Infection/ inflammation- Ferritin acts as a marker for acute infections
2. Conditions of iron overload in the body like Hemochromatosis, etc.
Low platelet count indicates:
1. Increased breakdown of the platelets- due to purpura, hypersplenism, Dengue fever, etc.
2. Decreased production of platelets- due to bacterial or viral infections, deficiency of Vit B12 & Folic acid in diet, any pathology in the bone marrow or liver.
3. It can also be due to side effect of any drug
Monocytes are the type of White blood cells which act as a defense mechanism of the body against infections.
So, an increase in Monocyte count can be attributed to the action of body's immune mechanism to protect against the infection.
Though the diagnosis of any condition is not made entirely on the basis of blood investigations, but based on the above mentioned facts, the most probable reason for an increase in ferritin levels, decreased platelet count & increased monocytes can be attributed to the state of acute infection in your child.
However, there is no need to worry.
As the treating physician has put your child on antibiotics, the infection will be controlled.
Consequently, all these values will come back to normal.
Wishing your son a Good Health & speedy recovery.
Please let me know if I need to clarify further.
Thanks & take care.