Child Has Itchy Tongue. Has Tree And Grass Allergies. Taking Zyrtec. What Could This Be?
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As your son is allergic to a number of things and the ENT specialist has already prescribed him medication, I would request you to ensure the following:
1. He maintains a proper oral hygiene by brushing after every meal. He may even try to rinse his mouth with an antiseptic mouth was such as Listerine twice a day.
2. In case he is a mouth breather ensure that he tries to breathe from the nose. ENT specialist help would certainly go a long way.
3. Observe the tongue for redness or white deposits in which case it shall be better to consult the pediatrician.
With these small steps, your son should feel comfortable and the itching should stop. Let me know if you have other concerns.
Wishing your son a comfortable period ahead.