Child Has Red And Itchy Palm. Not Cured By Fluticasone. Is This Due To Sweaty Hands?
Thanks for sharing your concern with us.
There may be several reasons of the redness and the itch in your son’s hand. The common ones may be:
1) Endogenous eczema: Usually you may see some deep seated blisters and redness in this condition. It is extremely itchy and stronger dose of steroids (oral/topical) are required to control this.
2) Exogenous eczema: If there is a contact allergen that he is coming in contact with, this can be an outcome.
3) Excessive sweating : If you feel he sweats more than the normal person, having red itchy palms could be symptomatic of excessive sweating.
As much as I can tell without seeing the rash, it sounds like what is called dyshidrotic eczema (endogenous eczema).
I will be able to help you better if you could upload a picture of the same in good resolution here. You may send them to
with the subject as 'ATTN DR.TANUSHREE BISWAS
You should visit a dermatologist to get an accurate diagnosis and the right kind of medication .Meanwhile you can give him oral anti histamine syrups to control the itch.
I will be happy to answer your follow up queries,
Best wishes,
Thank you
I have gone through the pictures you sent.
Although endogenous eczema does not look likely here, external allergens that he is touching must be avoided to see if there is a relief of symptoms. You can use barrier creams in his hands to prevent him from coming in contact with these allergens. Vaseline or other petroleum jelly may be applied as well.
A viral disease, called hand foot mouth disease could have been suspected if there were accompanying symptoms like fever / malaise etc; but it does not seem likely since this had been present for more than a week and there are no other symptoms.
In many individuals cold exposure to the hands causes the vessels to dilate and a hyperemic response occurs. The result is usually warm, very red skin changes. Your son may be having this.
I would suggest you visit a dermatologist for a closer examination and take steps accordingly.
Will be happy to assist if you have further queries.
Best Wishes,