Child Has Visible Y Shaped Vein On Forehead And Suffer From Headache. Cause For Concern?
Congenital and it is normal
Detailed Answer:
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Well I will hardly think that the prominent forehead veins are the cause of the headaches. Your child was born that way, and often times there are relatives with the same type of vein prominence. The manifestation is made more prominent with straining, talking, singing, yelling---anything that will result in a Valsalva maneuver, which is basically holding one's breath and straining down.
Children get the same types of headaches adults do, but their symptoms may differ. For example, a migraine in an adult usually starts early in the morning, but a child's is more likely to develop in the late afternoon. Also, migraine pain in children may last less than four hours, whereas in adults, migraines last at least four hours. Such differences may make it difficult to pinpoint headache type in a child, especially in a younger child who can't describe symptoms.
As in adults, there are several possible causes of headache in children such as:
- Prominent vein forehead migraine
- Tension-type heache
- Secondary headaches due to infection, minor trauma, brain mass such as cyst (which usually associated to seizures) etc.
How ever, persistent or recurrent headaches in a child always merits consultation by a doctor so that effective treatment can be provided in time before the underlying cause gets complicated (if it exists).
Hope this helps and wish you both the best.
Dr. Nsah