Child Swallowed Listerine. What To Do?
Usually 5ml is a small dose to give any toxicity, except that he must be having corrosive mouth and tongue.
You can give him Aluminum Hydroxide containing Antacid gel, immediately. keep him warm. Check continuously for his breathing. He may feel sedated or sleepy, because of the Alcohol contents. So keep a watchful eye.
You give him banana, toasted bread and bland food for this day.
You should take him to the nearby Doctor immediately for Aspiration of fluid from stomach, and lavage, and close observation--
If he has any other symptoms like Vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pains, tremors,
If you are not sure about the amount of Listerine ingested.
Any unusual symptoms
I hope, it will help you in taking immediate care of your child.