Chronic Sleep Problem. Yeast Allergy, Hyperglicemia, Candida? Is It Due To Anxiety?
Thanks for writing in.
Inability to sleep is a common problem in your age group. Anxiety can definitely contribute to this but there are several other factors like depression, asthma, pain and medication that can also contribute.
It will be great if you mention the drugs which you are taking.
Treating underlying physical and mental issues is a good first step. Along with this, you would need to have a close look at your daily habits. Some of the things that you’re doing to cope with insomnia may actually be making the problem worse.
Using pills to fall asleep can make the problem worse and prolong your inability to sleep. They must only be used as a last resort.
A good thing to start with is called sleep hygiene. I would suggest the following in this regard:
a. Your bedroom should be dark, quiet and comfortable.
b. Fix a time for sleeping and getting up.
c. Avoid naps as napping during the day can make it more difficult to sleep at night.
d.Avoid stimulating activity and stressful situations before bedtime.
e. Stop drinking caffeinated beverages at least 8 hours before bed.
f. Incorporate about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise into your schedule daily. This should not however be done in the evening.
The above steps if followed to the T should be extremely effective in putting you to sleep
I hope I have addressed your concerns. I would be available for follow ups.
Thank you for your answer. As I am elderly, I have never been able to work a computer and my surprise was that I got an answer. There were things I left out..
such as my insomnia has been since I was 25. I have lately suferred unpleasant headaches and fatigue. I do ALL the things you mention except aerobics. If I go shopping, I rarely sleep after as I feel too much exertion. If I rest during the day I sleep better! which made me wonder if I had some allergy - sugar, yeast, or some stimulating food. This is difficult without seeing me, but I would like to know if there are stimulating substances - which I would be better without.. thanks. H.R.
Good to hear from you.
There are certain foods that promote insomnia. These include alcohol, refined carbohydrates, monosodium glutamate (often found in Chinese food) , bacon and chocolate. Try and avoid these foods and see if it helps.
Certain foods have also been found to prevent insomnia. These include pumpkin seeds, brown rice, cottage cheese, sesame seeds, spinach and chamomile tea. A cup of chamomile tea 1-2 hours before bedtime would prove useful.
Warm milk with honey 30 minutes before bed helps. This is useful as they have calcium which is necessary at this age. The soothening effect of warm milk can help relax you. While the protein in milk helps create sleep-inducing tryptophan. The carbos in milk make tryptophan more available to the brain where it is converted first to serotonin and then to melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Honey is a mild sedative so it can help here too.
I think a bit of yoga and breathing exercises ( called pranayama) can prove extremely useful in calming your system and inducing sleep.
Some amount of physical activity would also prove to be very useful.
I hope I have addressed your concerns. I would be available for follow ups. Please close this discussion if you have no more questions.
Wish you good health.
You are most welcome and I will be very pleased if the information I have given has helped you.
Wish you good health.
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