Delay In Period. Had Unprotected Sex And Had Ipill. No Sign Of Pregnancy. When Will I Get The Next Period?
Rule out pregnancy again; then other tests
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome.
Thank you for writing in.
I can understand you are worried, but please try not to worry as stress can also result in a delay in periods. Let me start by first saying that a pregnancy test should be conducted at least 2 weeks after the last sexual contact and using an early morning urine sample. So if you have not followed the above requirements, I would urge you to repeat the pregnancy test.
Now coming to the delay in periods, this can be caused by various conditions, they are:
-Infections (you will have other symptoms like frequent urination, burning sensation while urinating, vaginal discharge, etc.)
-Sudden weight loss or gain
-Hormonal irregularities
-Pelvic inflammatory disease
-Polycystic ovarian disease/syndrome (will require a transvaginal ultrasound)
As you can see the causes are numerous, so I would advice you to go about the following investigations, which should surely help in finding the cause for the delay in your periods:
-Urine culture examination
-Vaginal swab test
-Transvaginal ultrasound scan
-Blood investigation to check on hormonal levels
These investigations will surely and accurately help in finding the cause for the delay. But these will have to be conducted only if pregnancy has completely been ruled out. In the meantime, please abstain from all forms of sexual contact and drink plenty of water. I hope this information helps, please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications or guidance.
Best wishes.
Go for tests; can lead to infertility in longterm
Detailed Answer:
Hello ma'am.
It is good to know that you have conducted the home pregnancy test using an early morning urine sample, but was this conducted at least 2 weeks after your last sexual encounter? If yes, then please go ahead with the investigations mentioned in my previous response; if not, then wait and repeat the pregnancy test.
As each organ plays a specific role and has a specific function, when any partmof the body does not function or work, then it starts to wear out. For this reason it is important for every woman to get her period at least once every 3 months or it can lead to permanent dysfunction of the ovaries, which can result in complications like infertility, etc. There are no specific home remedies we can advice without knowing the cause for such a presentation, it is best to conduct the previously mentioned investigations at yoyr earliest convenience.
I hope this information helps you ma'am. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications.
Best wishes.