Dependent On Alprazolam And Zollfresh For Sleep. How To Get Rid Of This?
You have developed dependence for alprax and zolefresh.
The best option for you is to exercise sleep hygiene precautions viz no tea, coffee, chocolate etc after fiver pm, regular exercise programme, stress relievers like yoga and meditation, comfortable noise free sleeping environment, going to bed by 11 pm.
If you have problem getting into sleep try not to think about your sleep or any day to day problems.
Change your sleep environment / room among
Also take Tab Zolfresh 5 mg at 10:30 pm daily night for two weeks and then reduce to 2.5 mg daily night for another two weeks.
Then reduce your dose to half again for two weeks and then start using it alternate days for two weeks.
This way you shall be able to come out of addiction for these sleeping pills.
I hope to have answered your query however you may revert to me for any further query.
Thanks and best of luck
You stop taking alprax and instead take only zolefresh regularly as 5 mg daily for two weeks and subsequently,the way I have described you earlier.