Diabetes, Feel Hot And Have Bowel Movement When Laying Down To Sleep. Is It IBS?
Thanks for the query.
Before answering your question I need certain informations from you so that I am in a better position to answer.
Since when you have these complaints of feeling hot and bowel movement in night?
Is this bowel movement occurs in night only and how many times you have to go in 24 hours?
These bowel movements are watery or normal?
Do you feel any other symptom like numbness,tingling or pain in legs?
This feeling of hotness is in entire body or in lower legs only?
Do you have any nausea,vomiting,bloating or stomach fullness or constipation?
Are there any urinary complaints?
Is your diabetes controlled?
How have you kept your blood sugar levels in past 20 years of your diabetic history?
Has it largely remained controlled or uncontrolled?
Waiting for your reply.
It seems your problem of watery stools specially in night may be due to small bowel bacterial overgrowth.Occasionally, relatively harmless bacteria manage to proliferate in the normally sterile small bowel. They cause diarrhoea by impairing digestion and absorption. This is a common problem in those who are diabetic or elderly.Probably because of this fact you were feeling good when your Gastroenterologist prescribed probiotic to you.
Normally IBS doesn't cause diarrhea in night.
Your hotness and watery diarrhea can be due to peripheral and sensory neuropathy due to long standing diabetes of 20 years.However chances of sensory neuropathy are less as you don't have any bladder symptom.
I advise you for the following measures
Take probiotics regularly.
Get your stool tested.
Get some VIT B12 in form of either injection or oral form.
Wait for 6 weeks.
If you don't get relief by then you may consult your Gastroenterologist for colonoscopy.
I hope to have answered your query however you may revert to me for any other query.
Best of luck