Diabetic, Urinary Tract Infection, Internal Fever, Good Appetite. Treatment ?
Thanks for the query,
From the description the causes of XXXXXXX fever could be one of the following:-
1. Going by the previous history of Urinary infections, it could be that your mother might be having a symptoms like burning micturition, frequency of urination , etc.
Elderly individuals with diabetes are highly prone to have such infections due to the reduced immune status as well as the high levels of blood sugar in the blood.
She might need a few tests including a urinalysis and if the tests are positive , she might benefit by a course of antibiotics for a few days.
2. Presence of diabetes related neuropathy can cause dysfunction of the XXXXXXX body temperature mechanism and cause patients to feel hot or cold sometimes, and this results in them having chills and body rigors occasionally.
She might benefit by consulting her doctor or a diabetologist and / or a Urologist who can assess her condition
1. for having recurrent UTIs , with a ultrasound of the renal system.
2. Assess her diabetic control and review her medications if needed.
I hope this helps.
Please feel free to consult me again if you have any doubts.
Dr Anvekar.