Diagnosed Hypothyroidism. Suffer Headaches. Taking Adrenal Gland Tablets. Increase The Dosage?
My female friend has been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism type 2. To treat this, she has been advised by her doctor to take NDT (natural desiccated thyroid) together with adrenal gland tablets. She has there for been using Nature Throid for a while now and she has reached the dose where she is using 1,5 grain which equals 56mcg of T4 and 13,5mcg T4. The pills also contain 17mg of calcium per 1 grain. This dose is taken once a day in the morning.
The pills at this dose don't make any difference to her hypothyroidism symptoms. When she tries to raise the dose by 1/4 grain, she suffers from head ache. She has been on 1,5 grain for at least a year now.
Please give me your take on this. Does she need to raise the dose and in that case, how can this be done without sufferfing from head ache? Could the dose be "ok" but something else be interfering with the treatment?
Even the Endocrine Society provides this weblink:
Levothyroxine is the recommended form
Most women need about 100 mcg of levothyroxine but this can vary from person to person. The best way to gauge the dose requirement is to go by bloodwork and monitor the TSH and free T4 levels.
The other key question is whether she truly has hypothyroidism. A formally trained endocrinologist is best placed to make this vital diagnosis that commits an individual to life long medication. So if your friend has a thyroid swelling or blood tests that show positive antibodies like TPO and TG, or an elevated TSH along with low or low normal thyroid hormone levels at baseline before treatment was begun, then it is likely she has hypothyroidism.
Could you please let me know why you question wheteher she truly has hypothyroidism or not?
Also, if a patient really has hypothyroidism, and is treated with T3 and T4 but gets problems (like head ache) while raising the dose, what would you suggest would be the next step in order to get treated?
It often entails blood tests like TPO and TG antibodies along with good baseline thyroid function tests to see if the thyroid function is off in the first place. If an individual is already on thyroid medication then based on clinical assessment, the endocrinologist may consider a wean of the medication to see if the person still needs thyroid medication.
I will re-emphasize that T3 is not recommended for the purpose of treating hypothyroidism