Diagnosed With Acute Leukemia, Young Patient, Unwell For Few Days. Information And Treatment ?
A family member has been feeling unwell for just a few days and was told the terrible news today that she has acute leukemia. They have immediately sent her to hospital for treatment. She is young and positive about beating this. Can you please give me some information about what treatment she will get etc and is there a cure? What are her chances?
Acute leukaemia in young adults is usually easily treated. The mainstay of treatment in leukaemia is chemotherapy to control the disease. Leukaemias are of different varieties and each has a different form of treatment, and a diffferent medication is needed.
Common form of leukaemia can be acute or chronic myelocytic or lymphocytic leukaemia. CML treatment include a medication called as Imatinib , which is a very good medication and helps in control of 98% cases of CML (CHRONIC PHASE).
The other form of leukaemia , is CLL , chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, which can be associted with lymphoma ( tumor like lesions in the body) . The treatment of thie condition is with a medication called fludarabine.
For proper and additional details about the specific leyukaemia , please provide the exact form of leukaemia that she has. This can help me to guide you further.
In case you have additional questions or doubts, you can forward them to me, and I shall be glad to help you out.