Diagnosed With Fatty Liver, Elevated ALT. No Gall Bladder Or Kidney Issues. Back Pain And Pain In Liver Area. Cause?
I have been diagnosed with fatty liver, and had mild increases in AST, GGT and ALT. Over time I have been able to reduce my AST and GGT back to normal, but ALT has remained elevated. The last value was 58, and my tests show the upper limit of normal is 40.
I drink on the weekend, exercise regularly, and don't take any other medicines or drugs, apart from a probiotic
I am 33, weigh 91kg and am 174cm tall.
I have had tests for hepatitis, which were negative, i have also have liver ultrasound which shows liver echotexture is increased, but with no focal liver lesions. I have no biliary issues, gall bladder issues, or kidney issues.
I do have infrequent pain in the general liver area, but I also have persistant back pain that radiates throughout my ribs which may be clouding my judgement that it may be related.
I am really wondering what is the cause of the persistant raised ALT, even though it is only mildly increased.
I have a high level of stress in my life due to not knowing what these issues are, and I don't know if stress can raise these levels
Thanks for the query.
The most common causes for rise of ALT in the blood are..
Consumption of alcohol
Cohsumption of drugs like statins,antibiotics etc.
Consumtion of herbal products
Viral hepatitis etc.
In my opinion,this mild elevation of ALT level is due to your consumption of alcohol.
You may argue that your consumtion of alcohol is not that much but it has been seen that ALT may rise even with small consumtion of alcohol.
In fact,in many people such slight rise of ALT levels can be found even without a noticeable cause.
Since your viral markers are negative,I would recommend you to not give much attention to it.
Keep restricted to low consumption of alcohol.
Keep doing regular exercises.
Take plenty of green vegetable and fresh fruits.
Keep a track of ALT levels by getting it tested every 4 to 6 months.
If you feel it is rising,you may stop alcohol completely and see the result.
I hope it helps however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck