Diagnosed With Right Posterior Frontal High Vertex Parasagittal Meningioma Also Have Mastoiditis. Meaning?
No meningioma is not fatal. Please relax.
Detailed Answer:
I am dr. XXXXXXX and I will try my level best to address your concerns.
The right posterior frontal high vertex parasagittal meningioma is not fatal, yes i understand its a hard to have it, but with the modern technology its possible to operate on the brain and removal of meningioma.
Out of all the tumors of brain meningioma is having the best outcome from operative surgeries, I advice you to find the best surgeon in your area and have it out. Sooner the diagnosis is made and sooner the operation is done is best way to get best out come of the operation and faster recovery.
Due to the restriction imposed on physician by the site, I can not email out of the site, I can only answer the queries listed on the site. I will keep answering your question as long as your need me to answer them.
Please feel free to contact me for any other concern/ doubt.
Thanks for the query.
I also have Symptoms of Mastoiditis.
I am not totally aware of what it entails. I was not aware there was a problem except to notice ringing in my ears.
I will not be able to see a Neurologist for 2 months. What should I expect.
thank you
Ringing in the ears has many causes.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back, the ringing in ears is know as Tinnitus, and their are various causes that may cause the ringing.
1) external ear infection
2) acoustic shock
3) loud noise or music
4) cerumen (earwax) impaction
5) middle ear effusion
Best on that fits your profile is presbycusis (age-associated hearing loss), I would recommend you to have it checked by ENT.
Their are ear drops that will help to reduce the ringing in ears till you manage to see ENT. You may use any one of them they are over the counter drops so no prescription is needed.
1) Tinnitus Control ear drops
2) Ring Relief Ear Drops
Please feel free to contact me in case of any further concern.
Thanks again.