Diagnosed With Shingles. How To Overcome This Problem?
It is not possible that dormant virus in your system is causing disease in your boyfriend.
The virus is in your boyfriend's body only. It is not completely eradicate from previous infection.
It is believed that it even can arise from temporary diminished immune function related to stress over work, family matters, late nights, or an alcohol binge. So your friend need complete treatment and not you.
You both need to consult your physician for proper clinical examination. Treatment in from of acyclovir is needed. However dose schedule is depending on severity and opinion of your physician only.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have further concern, please let me know.
To be dormant in your body, disease has to appear sometimes. So thinking of your boyfriend is doesn't look possible. There is possibility of sex related late nights or any stressful condition which is acting as trigger for shingle in his body.
He needs treatment and good counselling.
Frankly speaking there is no such literature in allopathic medicines I have read. If it is of Ayurvedic based authentic advise then you can try for few days. It will not cause any harm .
Hope for the best.
Thanking you.