Diagnosed With Strep Throat. Given Tylenol. Done Blood Tests. Treatment?
I shall make an effort to provide you with good professional recommendations specific to your questions.
His WBC (Neutrophils) will go down after the infection is controlled by the prescribed antibiotic. The lymphocytes have also dropped due to the usage of the same to combat the infection and will rise once he starts feeling better over few days. As he has started antibiotics in morning, it will take 3-4 dose numbers in the given course to attain the required levels to gain control of the streptococcal bacteriae and thereby improving the symptoms of fever.
The difficulty in swallowing due to to the swollen lymph nodes in the throat region and the irritation itself due to infection will also improve with above. Meanwhile, give him lukewarm soups that he likes and not any cold/room temperature liquids. Solids may also need to avoided for now except soft and warm diet. The stomach ache may be due to the slight irritation of the antibiotic and will eventually subside.
Be ready to report to emergency dept even if pediatrician is unavailable, whilst you have a good eye on him through the night and if his fever is rising above 103/104 persistently inspite of required tylenol and antibiotic dose frequencies.
Let me know if I have missed out any other concern in your question.
Yet again, I duly appreciate your query to me, I do hope that you have found something useful to help you and I shall be glad to answer any further apprehensions.
Dr Sujeet, MBBS, MD.
Consultant Physician.
Yes, temperatures like these do happen with Streptococcal sore throat in infants.
Do make sure you follow the package dosing guidelines.
104 Pounds ? I think you mean 10.4 pounds right ?
If so dose is 40 mg and NOT 500 mg ?
I have a link for you as a good guide.
Yes, it is. High fever above 108 F is a big concern medically. Else he should do well.
Let me know of any further queries.
Fosfomycin antibiotic that you have mentioned, is intriguing here.
I would not have prescribed that drug to my patients, especially for a streptococcal sore throat in a child less than 12 years. And moreover, this drug is given in a single dose and not to be repeated unless needed in some rare cases. And you have mentioned 5 doses of Fosfomycin each of 500 mg ?
You have not indicated if your pediatrician has prescribed which antibiotic ? And you are mentioning Fosfomycin retrospectively now, which is indicated for an entirely different condition altogether.
I would suggest you to get him examined to a pediatrician at the earliest.