Diagnosed With Weak Lungs And GERD. Started Coughing. Should I Get Tested For Lung Cancer?
Your question is a very good one and I will work on providing you with some information and recommendations.
I do not think you're dealing with long cancer. I want to reassure you of this. However, since you're having such a persistent cough a chest x-ray would be reasonable. This would help your physician find out if there is something going on within your lungs that could explain the cough.
There are many different things which can cause a persistent cough. Among these included is Asthma as well as gastroesophageal reflux disease and Allergies as well as postnasal drainage.
Again I think it might be reasonable for a chest x-ray in light of the fact that the cough has been so persistent. If the chest x-ray is negative which I believe it will be then your doctor should investigate other causes of the costs such as those that I listed above.
Thanks again for sending your question. Please let me know if you have any additional concerns.
Dr. Robert
I am really not sure exactly what the diagnosis of weak lungs means. I have not encountered any cases where this would be a descriptive term. I would prefer if you requested the records from your physician and reviewed those to see exactly what they are referring to. If possible they might think that you may benefit from respiratory therapy or pulmonary rehabilitation. I'm really not sure otherwise what would cause your lungs to be weak.
Again thank you for the update. Please let me know if you have any additional concerns that you would like to discuss.
Dr. Robert
I really don't think that you have any worry about lung cancer at this time. Regarding your current situation with your lung function I would encourage you to really push yourself and continue a good exercise regimen of cardiovascular exercises including running cycling or walking. If you do this this will help to maintain good respiratory function.
Again thank you for sharing your health concerns with me. It has been an absolute pleasure to discuss this with you. I am always available if you have any additional follow-up concerns.
Dr. Robert
One additional thing you might consider is joining a local gym. This will allow you access to more intense cardiovascular exercise in a controlled environment.
Dr. Robert